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The Joy the Saviour Brought

Rikki Beth Poindexter

By Rikki Beth Poindexter

“And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.”

I do not think anyone loves this time of the year more than I do! I love everything about it: celebrating the birth of the Saviour, decorations, music, food, smells, family time, special events, NC weather (which can mean anything – but I love the cold of winter). I truly love it all! As a homeschooling mom, we took two weeks off and enjoyed every minute of that break! I try to soak it all in ...not wishing it here, but when the season gets here, just trying to absorb it all! 

I have heard others lament about the sad feeling of it when it is all over.

I have felt that in years past: the mess that comes with all of the cooking; the chaos that opening both gifts and your home to guests brings; the untidiness of the home as more things come to live there (aka toys); the time it takes to decorate (most of us don’t mind decorating, it’s the putting them up that gets us). All of the work and labor that goes into the season, and just like that, it’s over. I didn’t have joy about the season; I had happiness in the season. Happiness is based on circumstances. Joy is not! Great joy came into the world the day the Saviour was born.

Let joy be the dominant part of our celebrations.

In the last ten years, I have personally come to love the week from 12/26-1/2. I still consider this Christmas! I love the freshness of the new year. I love reflecting on what God has done that year, the prayers He has answered, the changes He has made in my life, and what He has done in and for our family. I love sitting in the quiet house early in the morning with my decorations still up (I’m one of those) and my Bible and my prayer book (see the Highly Favoured Life Prayer devotional for more on that). There is much joy in this!

You see, the joy that the Saviour brought at His birth was meant to be present and enJOYed through the ages, not just in a season.

The joy that He gives is everlasting! I have previously written about our Helpers of Joy: trust the Lord; focus on Him; be obedient; be content. 

Time with family is wonderful. I have lost close family members to death, so I do remember the sadness (no one can explain) at this time of the year. I seem to notice their absence more and feel the emptiness that death can bring more at this time of the year. This year, try to focus on the ones that are present, the ones you can reach out and touch!

Look for the joy the Saviour offers to us, not just at Christmas, but throughout the year! 

Keep Him at the beginning of everything you do during this wonderful season. Even if you do not love this time of the year as I do, you can still have joy! Look at and spend the week after Christmas differently this year. Don’t dread it! Look forward to it with joy and anticipation!

The greatest gift of all was born, and it was joy to all people: the Saviour was born! The gift of joy!

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