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Rest in His Shadow

Kay Reese

By Kay Reese

Psalms 91:1, "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."

The Lord brought this verse to my memory and how He used it in my life. Psalms 91 portrays so much that takes place under His shadowing. Song of Solomon 2:3 reminds us of sitting down under His shadow with great delight.

Long ago when my children were younger, we moved into a triplex apartment that had a giant oak tree hovering over the part we lived in. We had gone there to set up a new life for ourselves. Unfortunately, we had separated from their dad. Our lives were left unsure of what would happen! Finances were low, and I had no job at that time. My husband wasn't able to give us much money, and sometimes I was not sure that he would if he did have the money.

All of us stayed with my pastor's family and saved enough to get the apartment. So, we moved in with very few belongings and lots of uncertainties, but God hovered over our lives like that mighty tree! We were under His protection and watchful care! He sent my wonderful church family and friends our way who were used to help us so much. We did not have a car, but someone was always there to pick us up when the church doors were open.

Time and time again, He moved, and under His shadow, we rested.

He supplied every need as He has never failed to do! Deuteronomy 31:6 says, “…he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee." There are countless stories of my physical needs being met, as well as my emotional and spiritual. He helped me with all that was going on. I eventually got work and odd jobs to pay my bills.

In Psalms 91, His Word says that He is my refuge and that His love is set upon me, along with Him being with us in trouble. What great delight this brings! The Lord desires us to always stay close to Him in prayer and in reading His Word. He wants to overshadow our lives!

He is Almighty and provides rest, reassurance, guidance, and quietness.

I would like to say I have always rested in His shadow. However, many times I have wandered out. Abiding near our Lord is what He deserves! He is so good to us! Lamentations 4:20 talks of others seeing us "living there under His shadow."

This will bring glory to His name. I often go by that place where I used to live and many memories of the Lord’s love and mercy flood back. I look at that old tree still standing, and I say to myself, I am thankful for the shadow of the Almighty!

Since those days, I have seen His work over and over in my life. I am amazed at it all!

May we all find our rest in His shadow, no matter what this life here brings our way.
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