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Blessed Mama

Andrea Leeder

Andrea Leeder

I am so blessed to be the mother of six children. I always wanted a big family and the Lord saw fit to give me three boys and three girls! They are ages 14, 13, 12, 10, 9, and 8. I can say that being a mom is one of the greatest blessings on earth and one of the greatest challenges on earth. It has been one of the best adventures of my life! I love being a mom! I am blessed beyond measure!

As my children grow older, I realize more and more the responsibility I have as a mom to help prepare them for their future as adults. Teaching them to know God and follow God, to be hard workers and men of integrity and women who know how take care of the home and care for a family and so much more. That’s a big undertaking!

That means I get to show them how. It means I have to be a consistent example, training and teaching them, keeping my attitude in check, doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, planning, and the list goes on and on. There are days I fail, days I don’t feel like doing anything. Days I feel so inadequate and overwhelmed.

That’s when I realize I can’t do it on my own. I have to rely on God to help me day by day to stay consistent, to make wise decisions, to have the patience for the growing stages of our children. I have to draw my strength from the Lord!

I don’t have all of the answers to being a mom, but I do know that we need to let our children see Christ in us. Pray for them!

There are many mother’s who are in different stages of life, maybe in the baby stage, teenager stage, empty nesters stage. Whatever stage you are in, enjoy the season God has put you in. God has a special story for each mom and no story reads the same. Point your children to Christ. Get in God’s Word! Instead of comparing with other mother’s, focus on what God wants you to be as a mother. Do what it takes to be a Christ-honoring mother. Cherish every moment you have with your children. They are a blessing from the Lord!

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